Our Services
Functional Testing
Functional Testing includes; DNA testing, Organic Acid Testing, Amino Acid Testing, Comprehensive Stool Analysis, Heavy Metal Testing, Food Allergy Testing, and many more. These tests take a comprehensive look at various biochemical markers that allow a more precise picture of a patient’s biochemistry.

Organic Acid Test
An organic acid test looks at body chemicals generated during normal body functioning involving central energy pathways, neurotransmitter synthesis and breakdown, and intestinal microbial activity (the little critters occupying your gut). The organic acid test looks at various substances that influence your DNA but don’t change it (epigenetics). These substances include vitamins and mineral deficiencies which serve as co-factors supporting the various chemical reactions in these physiological pathways.

Food Sensitivity Test
A food sensitivity is different than a full-blown food allergy. When we think of a food allergy, we think of say a peanut allergy. If someone has a peanut allergy and they eat a peanut, they can have an anaphylactic reaction. They have an immediate life-threatening reaction to the peanut. When your sensitive to a food and you eat it, you may not have a reaction for several hours or days. Although this reaction won’t be immediately life threatening, it in many cases will cause some nasty symptoms such as nausea, bloating, fatigue, and irritable bowel. In the long term, this constant irritation can contribute to more serious disease. A food sensitivity test looks at a certain number of foods that people are likely to be sensitive to and measures the amount of IgG (an antibody) produced by what are called plasma cells. It’s not enough to have the production of IgG in reaction to a food, another part of the immune system must also react. This is why a good food sensitivity test evaluates how another part of the immune system reacts – the complement system. The degree to which the complement system reacts (usually Cd3) is a measure of how much that food is producing inflammation.

Heavy Metal Testing
There are two types of heavy metal testing; for acute heavy metal exposure (blood testing) and the second for chronic heavy metal exposure (Hair testing). If there is no reason to believe you have been recently exposed to a heavy metal, hair analysis will normally be carried out since it reflects a few months of heavy metal exposure. Most heavy metals are stored in fat cells or other tissue and are not necessarily circulating in the blood in abnormal amounts. When extraneous factors are taken into consideration, hair analysis can be a useful test for diagnosing otherwise hidden heavy metal toxicity.

Comprehensive Stool Analysis
A comprehensive stool analysis looks at your microbiome; including expected beneficial bacteria, commensal bacteria (these can be beneficial or pathological) and outright pathological critters. The test assesses for the presence of parasites as well as any underlying yeast infection. The test evaluates digestion and absorption, gut inflammation, the immunological health of your gut, short chain fatty acid status (these substances play a key role in gut health), as well as all the basic gut health markers; such as red blood cells, pH, the presence of occult blood, and macroscopic appearance. Since the gut is paramount to our general health, this test provides invaluable information for healing what many believe to be the most important system making up the body.